Costa Rica Blog
Costa Rica Blog

UNESCO awards Costa Rica Wildlife Reserve

A Costa Rica Wildlife Reserve has been recognized as one of the best 28 in the world.  According to The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), The Water and Peace Biosphere (La Reserva de la Biosfera Agau y Paz) located in the north of Costa Rica is one of the top wildlife reserves due its commitment to fighting climate change. It is one of the most bio diverse areas of Costa Rica nature.

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Costa Rica Wildlife Monkey
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Costa Rica Wildlife Reserve combats climate change

This highly esteemed recognition was awarded to this Costa Rica Wildlife Reserve recognizing the efforts of the community to reduce carbon emissions. The representative of UNESCO John Baker said that the Costa Rica wildlife reserve has implemented a sustainable development model to combat climate change and sought to involve the local community in achieving its mission.

A community effort to protect Costa Rica Nature

La Reserva de la Biosfera Agua y Paz  was created by UNESCO in September 2007. Located in the north of Costa Rica it consists of a total of 916,000 hectares distributed within the provinces of Alajuela, Guanacaste and Heredia. The reserve incorporates eight protected areas including Parque Nacional Juan Castro Blanco, Refugio Nacional Cano Negro, four biological corridors and an indigenous community.

Costa Rica Wildlife Cano Negro Herons
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There are a total of 580 biosphere reserves in the world located in 114 countries created with the purpose of implementing sustainable development within the community.  In Costa Rica there are three biosphere reserves, Agua y Paz, Cordillera Volcanica Central and La Amistad.

There are several exciting guided tours available to Costa Rica National Parks, to find out more contact Escape Villas on or call toll free at 1-888-771-2976.